The Life Neurotic

What do you expect from a guy who loves Thomas Paine but fails to realize he stood for everything Beck is against


If only Bill Hader could keep a straight face

Well at least it wasn't Suel

If they don't hurry up and make a "What's Up With That" movie I am going to stop watching SNL

Look just give me my money back for "The Spaghetti Incident?" and we'll call it even

Between him and Christie, I still think Rubio is the healthier pick

It's Gallagher and Ted Nugent, no jury would convict you

I traded up for Marco Rubio

It is…we are nerds


Well Ted would know as he spent a good deal of time dodging a war that fought communists.

What is the state of political discussion in this country when a man who adopted his 17 year old girlfriend is not taken seriously?

I'm sure this is great and all but I am still trying to process this whole Hoodie Allen thing

The Purple Swag of Cairo

Aw crap, does that mean the guys from Fishbone are going to make one too?

Questioning Gods existence would probably be a good place to start

Well you can only play the Chris Gaines album so many times before it just wears out.

And I am officially a misanthrope

"The Weight" always makes me think of when I drove cross-country with my fiance and we were driving on this empty road in the desert just as the sun started to go down, thanks for the music Levon.