The Life Neurotic

Yeah right, and Grizzly Adams had a beard

I always get him mixed up with Anton Newcombe

That Jennifer Aniston will never amount to much.

@avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus Yes you should, however my favorite poster of his films was for Deconstructing Harry.

Hehe, oh middle america

@Scrawler2:disqus  I remember the first time I had to take some time off of work because I was sick and I went to some Thai place on Bedford and people were just sitting there on a Tuesday like it was Sunday brunch and I was wondering if anyone here actually worked…sigh hipsters.  Chelsea, where I worked,  though is

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Probably for the same reason I am trying to move back, it is a great city and I don't care what anyone says.

Haha, yeah, I worked so I definitely wasn't a trustfunder and neither were any of my friends, though I am sure I slept with a few.  For all the hate the neighborhood gets, there were some good bars and places to check out bands, and every conversation was like an AV Club comment board in reality, so I had no reason to

My place was ok, it was a railroad, which I suppose is why it was so cheap, but the room was decent sized, and my one roommate never left his room, and he always was in there before I got home from work, so the railroad thing was never an issue…..I realize I am not helping my self in anyway here.

2008-2010, it was on N. 8th just off Bedford, this was sort of in the transition period where it was transforming from a fun neighborhood to live to being a mecca of douchebaggery.

I think Flight of the Concords may have been the exception

I think New York is the only city in the world where people don't look at you funny if you have a roommate when you are in your 30's

$1400 for a place that nice in Manhattan, people would be signing over their first born

I lived in Williamsburg for a while and paid $500 a month for a room,  everyone hated me for that.


If we are talking early Woody, I think Love and Death and Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex are his best

This is a fairly accurate representation of how I remember school bus rides, or at least what I haven't repressed

Ah Woody Allen's New York, a place where people live in apartments no mere mortal could ever afford.

Scenes from a Mall

My understanding is that Whitney Houston had one, but bounced a check.