The Life Neurotic

Well thank God for that otherwise I'd look like an idiot for learning to speak Dothraki

@avclub-14ccfbceeb13ce08682d7945a99de48c:disqus you are not alone my friend

Where will I go for my fix of shirtless southern men in Budweiser hats and women in oversized Garfield tee shirts?

@avclub-d71d338110d105b6c2ffcf771c12cd9a:disqus we are a sparse few, but we do exist@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Not a fan of either, I am shunned

This was about the point where I stopped listening to Metallica

I remember those days

No love for Pentathlon?

How kind of you.

If it's PT Anderson, he would probably cast Philip Baker Hall in that role

Fortunately I was already wary of religious authority figure at that age, so it shouldn't be an issue.

They thought Gandhi was dead….they were wrong

Also known as Alexander Finds Out What Life is Like for Adults Every Single Fucking Day

Well I will be sure to travel back in time and bring my 13 year old self to today so he can see it

I have a Sonic Youth "Confusion is Sex" tee shirt I got at some used record store in Charleston, SC, of all my old band t-shirts, it's the only one I really hung onto or still wear.

Can't see my rhymes, even if you had Lens Crafters
Rhymes so jumpin they got the bitches hanging from my Home Depot Rafters
My homies at Fidelity handle my scrilla.
They call me Terminex cuz I'm a mothafuckin killa

Isn't that where the Dandy Warhols make all their albums?

Look out for Erykah Badu's response track "Echinacea"

And Mucinex for the Drake fans

I know hip hop stars are big on calling out brand names, but this is a bit of a stretch

Sooner or later, he always gets his rating