The Life Neurotic

I always thought the best scene was when she sees Sydney Pollack in the street with his new girlfriend and when she tried to leave quickly everything in her bag spills out.

Top 5 for me would be Manhattan, Husbands and Wives, Deconstructing Harry, Bullets Over Broadway, and Love and Death

Nope, just a wild wild life

Okay, vision in the context that Fred Durst was using it in

I just feel liked he phoned it in on that one,  I didn't like the casting and it was just his version of La Dolce Vita only a lot less subtle

@Scrawler2:disqus His more serious movies have always been mostly miss with me, most of them (Interiors) always felt very derivative and well I could go on.  But Husbands and Wives, while basically being his version of Scenes from a Marriage,  was a serious film but still had the essence of being a Woody Allen film.

The words vision and Limp Bizkit do not belong in the same sentence

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Husbands and Wives was my first Woody Allen movie after I saw Annie Hall, I would rank it in his top 5, I think the Woody/MIa (especially given that some of the scenes were filmed after everything came to light) story to it adds to the film and it is Judy Davis's finest

At the end yes, but for quite a while she was a trainwreck, also I like to pretend that movie never happened

I am a Woody Allen loyalist, but up until Midnight in Paris, I don't really think he had a made anything of note since Deconstructing Harry,  at the advice of my therapist, I am not supposed to talk about Melinda and Melinda.

Well judging from the trailer, this will be a first for a Woody Allen film, a character played by Judy Davis who hasn't had her life utterly destroyed somehow.

I was under the assumption that based on this headline this was going to be an interview with the other members of the Talking Heads

Wait, you're not supposed to pick on them?

Well after winning every single Razzie award, I guess it can only be up hill from there for Sandler.

The lack of dewbacks in the background always irked me

Well putting it on at 9 on Sundays certainly isn't going to help

Well it's still better than anything Joe Swanberg has done

Still waiting for another season of Sports Night…

As long as he includes old clips of Singled Out

random Nirvana lyric coupled with Scientology joke