Gunshot wound < Butterfly bite
Gunshot wound < Butterfly bite
Though it worked for BSG.
I loved Leona Lansing's speech. I literally died.
Yeah, I want to say that there's no way they can redeem Big Jim after this, but killing three people in one episode only ties his previous record.
Plus, they've also established that being killed doesn't mean you're OFF the show— so if they wanted they can make the next season all about the adventures of Dodee and Sheriff DJ (which, sigh, I would totally watch).
I'm impressed that you could pull that off. I'm guessing there was a lot of "Oh no, I'm laughing… from amazement."
Speaking of Rebecca and Pauline biting it, do TV shows have to pay actors any money during the "off-season"? Because it certainly seems like they were clearing out the roster the past two episodes.
I love that they needed to organize a whole fleet of buses to get the townsfolk to the crater, but Julia was able to run back-and-forth to Andrea's house (even with her seriously injured jeans) before they got the last group into the hole.
2) On a better show I'd be offended that Melanie's past and present selves could only be realized by her sort-of boyfriends. On this show, I was like, "hooray! You remembered a plot point from more than one episode back!"
Plus, didn't they siphon all the gas out of the cars?
Sometimes, knowing the answers can be even more beautiful… particularly when the answer is magnets [hint: the answer is always magnets].
So how long had science teacher been trying to find a cure for Melanie before someone thought to mention that part of her medical history includes that she's been dead for the past two decades?
Yes, but they wanted to make transfusions AND succotash.
Exactly. The fact the Jim is the only one at the dome trying to get a message to the soldiers shows how happy all the townspeople are. Either that, or they've forgotten how to operate that fancy "pen and pad" technology.
"Hacker Hunter, it turns out, was Pauline’s art student. Everything is connected!"
When after Sookie told Bill she'll remember him forever, he says "I can't say the same, because I don't know what's coming next," I half expected her to say, "Thank you for being such a pedantic knob — it makes killing you so much easier."
Yeah, and my only thought when Sookie was tearfully pushing handfuls of dirt into the grave was, "Bet you wish you hadn't broken your shovel, doncha?"
-Bill tells Sooki, "I've lived a long, interesting life, but I'm ready to die" instead of, "Killing myself and removing your powers is the only way to stop you from being an insatiable fang-banger."
Alternate Ending: In the middle of Jessica and Hoyt's wedding, a herd of Hep-V infected vampires break through the walls and kill them all. Just before dying Andy says "I can't believe… we totally forgot… about those killer vampires." END