the mgt

doesn't matter.
The way to watch ESPN is on mute, anyway, so you can keep track of the score without having to actually listen to any of those borderline retards and their hip, witty commentary.

apparently brit was photographed pantyless again last night
She's beyond train wreck at this point. Holy shit.

On behalf of the "theologically conservative and liberal beginners" who've posted already, I apologize for wasthing your valuable time. I hope that all that time you wasted reading our primitive thoughts didn't take away from all those important academic things you surely spend your time doing.

oops, looks like someone beat me to an ebert quote
That's quite the review he wrote. Man, did he hate this movie.

definitely a cult hit
Freddy is already considered to be a surrealistic cult masterpiece by many, including myself and my little circle of hipster friends. (But thenm I genuinely find TG to be funny … )

love this topic
It's fascinating, yet completely understandable, how little hard evidence there is connecting the old Biblical stories to modern day evidence. Yet many people go through life firmly believing otherwise.

am i to understand that there is no explicit oral sex in this book
So that's a straight title, and not a double-entendre … ah, the purity of the 50s.

mixed feelings on the Into the wild flick
The book was very powerful and compelling. I'm not sure a film version is even necessary and will probably not rush to see it.