You have no idea how many lives Sean O'Neal just saved by politely asking people not use the AV Club as the scapegoat. Now the only reasonable legal defense murderers can use is "self-defense."
You have no idea how many lives Sean O'Neal just saved by politely asking people not use the AV Club as the scapegoat. Now the only reasonable legal defense murderers can use is "self-defense."
Well, there's that one Walmart coming to downtown Athens.
Yeah, if I learned anything from watching Talking Dead this season it's that the producers haven't thought about any of this very much and that Fred Armisen has a thing for call-in shows.
Totally. I'm surprised he doesn't show up at Tribal Council with a pint and Ben and Jerry's, talking about how great air conditioning and mattresses are.
Speaking of ass shots, how about the long shot of Tarzan bending over in the surf that they kept cutting back to. Please cameramen/editors, don't take away ALL of this guy's dignity.
Because it comes out through the brain.
Biggest surprise once you click through and read Michael Ian Black's blog post? He listens to Rush Limbaugh everyday!
Seriously though, dude can handle a hammer.
Yo, that Comedy Bang Bang Sneak peak straight up defragmented my hard drive with its immeasurable levels of hilarity. I may be wearing the effects of its presence for an untold number of centuries.
"When I type it all out like that it actually sounds pretty good. And using Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces as a blueprint, and making Peter's decisive victory literally a 'decisive' victory is a clever joke. The only problem with clever jokes is when they elicit that "ah yes, well done" reaction…
Until they find the portal to Earth-2 and pull alternate reality Ben and Leslie back from the other side. Except alternate Ben is really Barry Allen.
Still yo, you got to admit, Jim and Dwight's fight was just shy of a Walter White/Jesse Pinkman level of catharsis.
Oh it's not sympathy, I'm just holding out hope for a WTF/Survivor crossover event.
I hope this leads to a boost in Bill's comedy career and, later, an interview on Marc Maron's WTF podcast where he really dishes on Colton.
Amazing line: Leif's first this season, "Donuts, donuts, donuts."
I personally hope that by writing and producing two endings, the producers didn't inadvertently create an alternate reality Pawnee (let's call it Pawnee-2) that will then lead to the creation of an infinite alternate Pawnees where all the characters have contradicting and overlapping backstories. And I REALLY, REALLY…
If there is one bit of spot-on acting on this show, it is the fact these people parent and talk to kids like real Georgians do.
Yeah, I'd take Carl over that "Once Upon A Time" kid any day.
Wait, Christian says nice things about the show, lauds the merits of individual sketches, and then gives it a C? That is some straight-up Davidson College style grading there.
Calling it now. Sushi chef Jonas, FTW, in the final against Sabrina