White Suburban Punk

I used to be proud of the fact that I was born the same year JAWS came out.

You poor bastard.

I agree. Perhaps I'm just a curmudgeon, but I expect musicals to make the effort to have original music in them.

Nice cant, berk.

You bastard!

Now, see, goddammit, that's a good preview. One cover, several pages of a superhero absolutely doing what he does best, and BAM! you're left wanting to see the next page.

This book abounds with references to Starman, Hitman, and Stormwatch. It's like it wants my money or something.

The AV Club


I thought you were above frightening the children, AJ.

Not just "no."

I always liked the one about Galactus.

Because we only care about American imperialism, not British imperialism.

Oh yeah, his T-bolts run was pure gold.

My brother used to talk about writing a big sprawling Avengers cosmic adventure which would culminate in Hawkeye and the Shocker having to save the universe. I think Kurt Busiek's unabashed Hawkeye-love has negated the need for that, but it would probably be amusing.

Outside of Kang, Busiek couldn't really get a creditable threat going for the Avengers. He tried to branch out and give them some variety - Moses Magnum, Kulan Gath, etc. - but the star of the book was very definitely the relationships among the characters. Busiek really "got" them in a way that succeeding writers -

I started a part time job this week. My ability to afford comics has gone up just as the time I have available to read them has gone down. Synergy!

Hela runs the Underworld. No robots - zombies! Totally different.

I think I was drawn to Lovecraft for much the same reason. Lovecraft's universe isn't just atheistic, but actually maltheistic, and there's no real defense against it besides blind luck and the efforts of a few desperate people who will probably be consumed by it all anyway.

Don't they find the space ship? I mean, they never find out exactly what the Thing is, but they pretty much know where it came from.