White Suburban Punk

NO WAY! Kingsley Shacklebolt is the captain from Raiders!

You leave Deep Roy out of this! Deep Roy is a saint, you hear me! A saint!

Maybe in Sweden. In this country, we prefer turtles.

Even in the book, all the kids live. But they're all terribly transformed, folded, spindled, and mutilated.

Dammit, I was going to do Streep pictures all the way down. Now I've got nothin'.

… but what this film presupposes is that he didn't.

So sayeth the Lord. Ah, men.


Sophie's Choice.

Faint praise damns movie execs - film at 11.

What an absolutely fantastic idea!

I'm thinking Rainier Wolfcastle for Grandpa Joe.

Yes, thank you!

Pam Dawber gathered them all in an inn, gave them a map, and hired them to do it.


Now kids, it's time for another, "WSPunk's Brushes With Greatness"

Shut up and take my money!

Had a family brunch on Sunday. They are all lovely, level-headed people.

"Oh, God, that’s really something I barely remember."

I think I buried the Spiro Agnew Simpson's joke a little too deeply in that first comment.