Billy Gunn was awful. The song was the least of his problems.
Billy Gunn was awful. The song was the least of his problems.
The move of killing off those two characters is so characteristically Fincher, too. It's a damn shame he will probably never do the Dragon Tattoo sequels partly for the reason that a franchise he would be at the helm of wouldn't suffer from that problem.
I can understand how fans were angry at that, but I thought it was kind of brave to go in that direction. The thinking may have been is that a lot of franchises suffer from characters who stuck around too long. It's actually an exception, but some people would cite the Lethal Weapon sequels as being too in love with…
Plus, she had to have been a teenager by the time the third one started filming.
The first couple of seasons were on Netflix for awhile
Sounds like a cross between Game of Thrones, Unforgiven and a lot of bullshit.
So glad I cut the cord.
To me, Rocky V is just an awesome credits sequence featuring the Drago fight scored with Bill Conti's original score instead of the keyboard rockafire explosion Stallone seemed to be in love with at the time.
I'm not fervently anti-GMO but any food company going organic shouldn't be a bad thing I think.
Somewhat unrelated but I think it's cool as hell that Hershey is going to go non-GMO.
Really wish he could have done that Robert Ludlum adaptation with Tom Cruise and Denzel that was in the works.
Those two are just so horrifying it's hard to see much else there. Then again I'm not a horror guy.
There was talk for awhile he was going to have a reality show on the Network, I guess about being a bounty hunter or something.
Last I saw Batista he was on a snowy mountain filming the new James Bond movie. Honestly a year ago I was on that train that was hating him, but I can look back and appreciate what he had to put up with, especially since learning he knew that whole push was a bad idea from the start. So when I see stuff like that, it…
It's definitely going to be diminishing returns for here on out with him. My brother who is a huge fan thinks he'll retire after next year's WM. But honestly he should have just given it up after that. There's no way you could top the streak ending.
He can do whatever he likes and I'd be fine with it, but I so hoped he could have just become a crime/thriller guy after those two films. There was something about his approach that felt a little fresh compared to a lot of people in that realm, maybe save Michael Mann or David Fincher.
My three are Crash, A History of Violence and Dead Ringers. I liked The Dead Zone and Eastern Promises a lot, too. I'm probably one of the few that likes that he's gone away from horror, and just pursuing these interests on a more real level. I watched Videodrome once and was blown away by it but no real desire to see…
His hair in that screen cap above basically answers that question.
That's My Bush?