
I'm sure they cut it down to 4, and you probably had a better chance of hearing the full-length version on MTV.

Yup, representing Canada.

Yet not any 41 of you convinced Streisand to join hands.

Favorites so far, David Crosby's Croz, Transatlantic's Kaleidoscope, Crippled Black Phoenix's White Light Generator, Anathema's Distant Satellites, Watter's This World and probably my top favorite so far, Tim Bowness' Abandoned Dancehall Dreams.

Maybe unquotable.

Once their original lead singer left.

There's no way I can argue it (even though I prefer Breaking Bad by a very wide margin) either. Cranston and Michael Chiklis both said on Twitter after Gandolfini died that without Tony Soprano their defining characters would not have been able to exist. That says a hell of a lot more than any of us could, frankly.

Matthau would have been better as Lemmon's vice president.

The whole episode is on the Unforgiven special edition DVD and Blu-ray.

I'd go with Sutherland. I think Jones is still in his 60's.

He's managed to stay in such good shape, I will not be surprised if he reaches 100.

I like her podcast, and she could be doing so much better than The Talk.

As with all of Gilliam's work, it's definitely one or the other with no middle ground in between. Reading it up on Wikipedia he said that he wanted people either to love it or hate it. Ironically Gene Siskel was one that loved it.

Bought Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas from B&N because of the Criterion sale. It holds up even better than I thought it would, maybe because I'm starting to see the world for the terrifying place it's becoming.

I think you mean Jim Ladd. Alan ran 20th Century Fox in the 70's.

Damn it I was going to use that one.

I'd like to see something that's more like Chinatown meets Solaris (the original).

I don't know if that's the exact number but I heard something along those lines in an article somewhere, so don't take my word for it. The preview had some new insights besides current talent talking about the product which is dull as hell. Most interesting is that they got Lex Luger to participate which surprised me

Requisite "I miss WCW" thread.

Someone else already said it was originally rated R, but I believe that it was contested to the MPAA to get it down to a PG on historical grounds. And it worked.