
The 70's were an embarrassment of riches for Hollywood when it came to leading men. Guys with both the look, and the depth of character that they'd always bring.

I'm glad you cited Apollo 13. I saw it in it's theatrical release nearly 20 years ago but if I ever come across it on TV it takes me less than 10 minutes to be fully engaged with what's going on.

I've never been in that newsroom situation, but there's definitely something that whiffs of that feeling in social networking today.

I wish Ebert were alive to eviscerate this.

I didn't watch the last season of Dexter but even towards the end he was still far and away the best thing about the show. Despite the unfortunate trajectory the show found itself in, it's still quite the achievement he made of going from one classic character to not only just another one, but someone who is

They already did a movie nearly 20 years ago, and it was too late then really.

That version sounds very different to the one played on the radio all the time.

I like it when he declares that his client Brock Lesnar broke the streak.

True Lies, and I'm pretty sure it was someone else who said it.

I personally started boycotting it when they got rid of Music Lab to make way for a Coldplay station.

If all else fails, see Dancing At The Blue Iguana.

Pretty sure Pete played Hiwatts then.

As much as I think Traffic should have taken the prize that year, I think it's kind of a shame Ridley walked out empty-handed that night.

American Gangster is pretty good. I haven't seen either cut in awhile but I remember liking the director's cut more. Matchstick Men is a nice little and almost forgotten gem now. I even liked A Good Year. But I haven't bothered much with his films covering ancient times except Gladiator which I liked.

Right material and right director. I always thought he'd be a good leading man for Tony Scott if Denzel ever got tired of doing those roles.

I've not made my boredom of punk here a secret so I usually wouldn't have a dog in this fight, but I have another question. Is that when Punk was last relevant?

I have a version from 2000, not sure which date, but is 10 minutes and is the absolute best non-Moon performance of it.

Speaking of which, a Dominatrix I follow on Twitter replied to the #AskThicke meme "Normally, I charge $250 per hour to beat balls .. For you, I'll be happy to kick your ass…. for free."

I loved the comment that he won the role in that movie on a radio station.

And the creepy kid from Looper is in it.