
Disagree, that would go to A League Of Their Own.

Just beyond that, this is probably one of the few action/crime films that I can think of that's away from the "concrete jungles" of major metropolitan cities that they are usually set in. Almost everything is near the beach or desert.

The Tango & Cash/Oprah glasses?

Ridley Scott was originally going to direct Charlie Sheen and Matthew Broderick in it according to IMDB. Don't know about you but I don't think Ferris could have pulled off Bodhi.

It's interesting that Airplane! is more of a cultural juggernaut than the very films it made fun of. Airport is really only remembered by film buffs, while your average Joe could probably quote "and don't call me Shirley" or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar all the live-long day.

Started on Orange Is The New Black, and about mid-way through the 2nd season now. I like it, I won't attach "great" to it, but it's definitely got it's heart in the right place.

Really? Did not know that.

Bart working off his debt sending McDonalds to Marlon Brando was a nice touch.

And George Thorogood is from Delaware. And Kansas is from well, New Jersey.

I saw it too. It was set while John was on his hiatus, maybe a few years at least before he was shot. There was a foreboding scene with a stalker-type that I remember.

Peter Frampton's sank particularly low. And oddly enough he's playing with Ringo now.

This sounds awesome, though it would be even more awesome if Robert Downey Jr. did this to make up for not doing Inherent Vice.

Got to be on YouTube somewhere.

I heard about that, there was stuff on the ABC cut that wasn't seen on either the VHS or DVD version.

I regret selling my DVD of it off, but I still have my fingers crossed for a Blu-ray.

Come Together (And Watch This Please)

I had a Teddy Ruxpin and never thought it was creepy at all.

James May yawns.

This looks crazy, meant in the best way possible.

Side 3 is my least favorite but it has it's moments, but "Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil)" is the best thing on the whole album.