
It's ok, just a little disjointed.

On your cell phone?

The medley on 2nd half is, at least.

I love The Caretaker's stuff. Puts me right to sleep.

It's much harder to take seriously anymore because all major labels are run by corporate entities now.

I like Phil's stuff, but I have to agree. Especially those last two, not so much the first though.

You'll get no argument from me, I thought it was the best album of the 00's.

Ironically enough Green Day performed when RHCP the same night they were inducted. Even more ironic is that they opened up with "American Idiot" which pretty much confirmed what Jon said.

Steven Wilson's last record is a concept record in the vein of In Absentia, and I'll argue to say it's better than IA. He's been on a hell of a roll with his solo work.

I'd say Pros and Cons is more rock opera than a concept album. There's a difference between the two that isn't as well defined as it should be. Dark Side of the Moon qualifies as a concept album because it's unified more by the ideas expressed in the songs than having a plot and characters.

Hates Green Day, but loves Rush and Pink Floyd. I approve.

Yeah, but I can see how it rubbed people wrong at then. People wanted them to be all thrash all the time.

On 2nd thought, "Hot Dog" is pretty good.

There was one I remember in the late 90's that not only played the 60's and 70's stuff, but would throw the occasional Chuck Berry or Elvis in too.

Did he get fired?

Not to mention smoking.

I have that MTV special on DVD. Really tasteful renditions of the old stuff.

The horrific thing to me about this (other than it being a waste of everyone's time) is that it is possibly going to delay the release of the IV special edition coming out.

Jimmy has been talking about writing new material, and I hope he comes through on it.