
He went on the road with Robert for awhile too in between Genesis tours.

Blitzed Jimmy Page.

The Floyd obsession really started with me as a young child, seeing the "Learning to Fly" video on either MTV or VH1 when it was in rotation. It didn't stick because music wasn't a thing until much later for me.

My younger brother liked those bands, so I kind of had a first-hand knowledge of them for awhile. They had some interesting rhythms (though I still hate that bass sound Korn had) and riffs, but it kind of ended there.

No, I just want to see it roll.

I have always wanted to see that wheel come loose from it's hinges and roll off the set.

Oddly enough that's being adapted for HBO too.

Phil was also friends with John, and was a mentor to Jason who says Phil is his favorite drummer next to his dad.

I preferred Herzog's movie, actually.

Rolled my eyes at a sub-par director calling Jimmy Page a cocksucker, but him calling Diddy out on the King Of New York stuff is cool.

Joshua Redman did a pretty cool cover of The Crunge.

I'd say most of it does. One guy whose stuff I've been getting into is Gary Moore, who made a sharp left-turn into the blues and still retained a lot of his fanbase.

Lately they've been more melodic and not as brutal as before. The last album has some bizarre dynamics, but it worked as a slightly heavier prog-rock outing. But even in their more intense days, they struck me as having a deep respect for what Sabbath and Zeppelin did. There is also a respect for the blues, and

It was a mix, in my high school experience. I certainly wasn't the only one listening to classic rock but I really didn't go out of my way for anything current at the time. At the time we had two very good classic rock stations, and a lot of us had parents who were weaned on the stuff so it just passed down.

If you believe Chris Squire it almost happened but Robert backed out, preferring to go solo. Jimmy followed suit. And it wasn't with Bruford, but Alan White.

I didn't really feel enlightened because of having so immersed myself in their stuff. It just spoke to me for it being largely about loneliness and isolation. I always say 13 was the right age for me to get into Pink Floyd because I was beginning to be mature enough to understand the more fundamental concepts Roger

He had a nice ringing LP tone. The famous example is "Another Brick In The Wall, Part II" but I prefer his solo on "Poles Apart" from The Division Bell which utilized the Goldtop. In recent years he's also been playing a nice black Gretsch that kind of produces a similar sound.

Genesis were big fans of Zeppelin's production values. The famous gated drum sound Phil Collins was known for was influenced initially by Bonham's work on "Kashmir".

The war between shock jocks would have been made better if they used real ammunition.

Including the girls.