
As long as it's shot on film at least. B&W in digital is not very convincing to me.

I liked the detail of them still wearing their guns to work.

He may not see it, but he's developing quite the dramatic niche for himself. Not that his character hasn't been funny, but seeing him do the heavier lifting has been great. Both on this show and his final Breaking Bad episodes.

That's a totally natural way to feel if you're in Vince's shoes. I'd be more worried if he was totally confident in what they are doing, as to coast on the previous success.

Because it was painfully obvious how he suffered through life in that first episode. Not that it really excuses his behavior beginning with killing his wife, but it's all from a place where he was ignored, maligned and degraded. I've read a few comments saying here that they are glad the brother is in jail, and it may

I love how she treats her sons basically like bodyguards and has no parental instincts whatsoever.

That and how the one guy was non-plussed about the other with the tennis ball was a nice bit.

It's worse, he's also becoming Sam Hess too.

Jeez, Kate Walsh is pretty.

It's astonishing how some people can just turn it on like that. Matt Jones was on Kevin Pollak's show a few weeks ago, and talked about meeting Cranston on the set of Breaking Bad. He was like how you'd see him interviews, nice and calm, even joking around, talking to nearly everyone on the crew. Yet when it was time

For such a macho character, he didn't seem to have a whole lot of sexism. His protective nature with the prostitute in the early seasons, and dating the shelter worker. Even the relationships with the women closest to him, his daughter and ex-wife, fractured as they eventually become, you can still sense a deep love

Oh to be young and have virgin eyes when it comes to those two seasons. Jealous, very very jealous of you.

Disagree, the show (despite some setbacks) got real good from the beginning.

I seem to remember 2001 not being less than 115 minutes.

That concert was on PBS last night. He had a really lean and solid band, as sort of opposed to the huge group he has now.

I've seen that, was Ron Wood really a correspondent for E.T.?

Damn :(

How does the soundtrack kick ass exactly?

I'm a huge BTTF fan but I was disappointed to hear this. I heard there was a very big surprise cameo-wise and I thought it would be like Clint Eastwood or someone you wouldn't expect to see in something Seth would do.

People lampoon that scene all the time, but that's really the extent of his scenery-chewing.