
I mentioned Saving Private Ryan but I really liked him in John McTiernan's Basic, too. Would be nice to see him do something serious again.

It's up in the air as to whether that will be a stand-alone character or just morphed into someone else yet. The plan is is that Red Dragon will be the fourth season, and the third hasn't happened yet.

They backed off that a bit as the show progressed, at least it's not mentioned.

As long as it's Rush's money, I hope Elton's price was sky-high.

No, he's on two episodes late in the 2nd season.

One movie has Ellen Ripley burst into song, the other doesn't. You be the judge.

Jeremy Davies' character in Hannibal would be worthy too I think.

I'm sure there were as many liberals who loved it too. He had Elton John sing at his wedding, am I supposed to hate him too?

Surprised Molly with Elisabeth Shue wasn't mentioned. I've only seen glimpses of it, but figured it'd be obscure enough to make it here.

You said it, Hanks wasn't annoying. And really there isn't a lot of bad acting at all in it. I don't think it's that great of a film but I can honestly say I never hated it. I think the hatred of it here and other places speaks more about Boomer-loathing, which is fair enough.

He's still working, but I wonder how much that movie halted Ribisi's career. His stuff in Saving Private Ryan, while not scene-stealing was quite good and probably could have elevated him higher as the years went on.

He was great in Luck his less-than-merry band of misfits (or degenerates if you will) were probably the best thing about the show aside from Hoffman and Farina's scenes together.

The first real thing I noticed him in. The way he eventually warms up to the titular character of the film doesn't feel forced, and the point where he figuratively falls on his sword for him to Langella's character is great.

They are actually using that song for their NASCAR coverage now.

I actually saw it when it was running on The Movie Channel before it's cable run so I'd already had a pretty good idea of what was cut out when it was re-running on basic cable.

I liked her Darth Vader

Entirely possible since the song was out by '92.

I liked him in Twilight (the Paul Newman one).

I don't think I've ever laughed to the point of tears this quickly before.