
The Rock has some pretty cool scenes and one-liners for a Bay movie.

The way Pacino rips him apart in Heat is the emotional equivalent of how the T-1000 does the same in T2.

Rules really don't apply to Louise.

There's "Scorpio" and then there's everything else.

I really thought that Cleveland was going to be written off somehow tonight.

There were a few "Simpsons did it" moments tonight, specifically the spanking issue (though sexual overtones replaced George Bush). Also the three-legged race which harkens back to the early early episode where the family visits the Burns manor (probably one of my favorite episodes ever).

B- is pretty generous though I found it funny. After last week's show which was brilliant, obvious jokes are obvious again.

Is anyone here at all excited for the 170th season of SVU?

It would have been cool if Angela was cast in Grand Budapest, but from the minute I got it that Fiennes' character was sleeping with that character it made sense why she didn't do it.

Have you seen the videos of Dweezil playing "Watermelon" with his band? He's nearly weeping while executing that solo flawlessly.

He loves Pink Floyd too, which makes him quite all right in my eyes as well.

I've only seen a few episode of the first season of Boardwalk but I liked that he played a relatively normal character compared to the psychos he played before. I like this even more because he's really swinging for the fences now.

I'll be absolutely fine if they can't get Bowie because he's doing another album. The Next Day was a terrific record and we need a few more Bowie albums before he calls it a day.

I'm beginning to get tired of the proliferation of network cop shows. It's amazing to me that they all didn't just pack up and cancel themselves after seeing True Detective.

I'm coming around, but I mostly love his instrumental stuff. I like a few of his songs, but the more wacky stuff is where I kind of tune out.

Should someone tell Molly that Bruce has actually shared a stage with Phish?

This is pretty much me too. My Facebook feed is filled with music I'll probably never listen to, shows I never watch, and movies you couldn't pay me to see. But I put up with it because I'm able to look past all that and see what people they are inside.

Marc has a pretty good taste in music. The episode that went up today was with Benmont Tench and they seem pretty suited for a conversation to me.

That could change soon if my city is any indication. One new health food store is opening here with another on the way, with a couple that I know of here already (not to mention the growing health food and veggie/fruit aisles in chain stores). With all that competition, the high prices could come down quite a bit.

His drum solo time will consist of him doing a paradiddle and reciting the famous "your fugitive's name is Dr. Richard Kimble" speech.