
Particularly manipulative in Fahrenheit 9/11 during the scene with the family just finding out their boy died.

If the movie theater price was the national standard for candy, there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.

Honestly, back then, she wasn't bad-looking.

Did she shoot her gun in a way that the bullet came out in a curve, and did Morgan Freeman call someone a motherfucker?

Now you'll have one more to ponder over. Bruce just had his 5th kid.

I'd see a movie based on The Clash. I watched the doc that's making the rounds on VH1 Classic and Palladia and their downfall seemed pretty tragic.

It's streaming on Netflix now, so you have little to no excuse not to check it out.

Weir maybe. I'd replace Gregg with Mike Love.

In the last thread about this, someone said no one should ever make a movie based on a rock musician (he said band but I'm paraphrasing again). While I agree with this in theory, a movie about Ginger Baker would be pretty epic.

"Batman and Rust Cohle waiting on a pizza delivery"

Meredith Viera and the guy losing his hair talking over the 2012 opening ceremonies still bugs the hell out of me.

I like "Here Comes The Moon".

That smile

I like Michael Kamen's score a lot more, always liked what he did mixing classical and rock. Shame he still isn't around.

If anything, '93 was the last year the hair bands had some solid ground even if it was dissipating under their feet. By '96 it was all forgotten.

I think the problem with it was that too many metal guys were interested in rap and not the other way around.

The Last Action Hero soundtrack is this weird mish-mash of rock at the time, showing that 80's glam-rock wasn't entirely dead in 1993. It had AIC and Megadeth (not to mention Cypress Hill), but it also had Tesla and one of Def Leppard's last chart hits.

What's the most faithful adaptation of his work to either TV or film?

That too. I think there were a few others from around that time that were on TV as well.

Only thing I can contribute to this is professional wrestling Iron Man matches, where it goes to a certain time. The famous examples being Ricky Steamboat and Rick Rude's WCW match from 1992 and Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels from '96.