
It's been years since I read the book so I may have misplaced the reference then.

I put a bunch in (with water) and mixed. And I have no idea why, I usually do it with cilantro which is easier to down.

You know, we could all be watching Mad About You right now.

I haven't seen the bit, but in the book Garrett basically called him out for being a hypocrite being a donkey in Shrek when Eddie did the same (I'm guessing around the time of the WU you mentioned) referring to Garrett's role as a monkey in The Wiz.

Didn't they get married?

Two things this weekend have reduced me to tears. I'll omit the reasons why.

I remember the book not painting him in the best light. Also, him skewering Eddie Murphy.

I really liked Jackpot too. Jon Gries is a very underrated actor.

Done with the hope that she gives birth to the Verger male heir.

Just curious, how soon do episodes go up on iTunes after they air? I'm heavily considering doing away with TV in exchange for a much cheaper internet-only service.

I didn't really even recognize him (see my other comment for similarities I found). He's well-established at being good at psycho but this is different.

Going by the photographs I thought of Mason as a young Gary Busey, but I'm also seeing a bit of Ralph from The Sopranos now too.

Put some parsley in the Nutribullet before the show started. Glad I didn't put anything like kale or collard greens in, as I knew I would have upchucked once the manimal started talking to Will.

I think my dad likes those shows but has seen the light and is closer to a cable snob like me. He loved True Detective and actually turned me on to Fargo.

I said this in the previous article about his initial diagnosis and retirement from acting but the only people who've done gangsters as good as him in that were De Niro and Pacino.

Just shows you kids, make your own music. Now get off my lawn, etc.

That too, with the title Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Both Hoop Dreams and The Smartest Guys In The Room are still easy to find on Netflix.

Hillsborough on ESPN. Probably one of the best 30 For 30's and certainly the most depressing one of all. Even by it's triumphant end, you feel the weight of time, loss, and humiliation all these people went through. Not to mention the toil of making the truth of what happened public.

I imagine what it'll be is a lot of guys from indies, Japan, Mexico and possibly TNA because that ship might be sinking completely sooner rather than later.