
I can't say I disagree with that. It's really variations of the same story over and over again.

The Equesticles from Bob's Burgers are far more creepy, and sad.

It's nice how they are subverting the seminal moments from the films in the show. Hannibal even mentioning another church falling on people again.

Because William's stuff was going to have taken place when Gregg was sick a few years ago and contemplating his life. There was someone cast as the younger Gregg and I believe that would have been the majority of the film.

In theory I agree with this, but I just knew from the onset when it was announced that My Cross To Bear was being adapted for the big screen that it would wind up being another bland bio-pic. The people attached to it behind the camera really didn't pique my interest and it really wasn't until Hurt's casting that I

In the pic that's been released of him, he looks a lot like Gary Busey.

I saw a guy at a store not unlike GameStop playing Guitar Hero with the sound off.

I've read the book this was based on. It was good, but I couldn't really see a movie in it.

Plus the whole premise of it was slowly teased from the first Iron Man onwards.

If everyone is super, nobody is.

I'd go to that restaurant from Saved By The Bell to observe if it's as full of teenagers the rest of the day, apart from when Zack and his gang get up to no good there.

The first one is one of the best comedies I've ever seen and I can't see how this could be worse or any less than that. Majorly looking forward to it.

IMO Manhunter is clearly the best, but I really liked Hannibal too. It's all of the things described in the article but somehow it works for me. Silence is one of those movies I've only caught bits and pieces of and never really sat all the way through yet. Red Dragon has it's moments but really feels like a pale

You probably wouldn't watch, but Gary was actually pretty calm and mellow during his appearance in the first episode of Legends House on WWE Network.

Yeah. That Metal Show is good in doses (especially when the guests are good) but I can see that it's kind of come to define the channel's image now, when it it could have been so much more.

I remember when VH1 actually had stuff worth watching (rockumentaries/concert specials, etc, etc.). VH1 Classic has kind of fumbled the ball with that, preferring to inundate us with hair metal videos instead.

He does look a little like young Richie from The Royal Tenenbaums.

With a little brown too.


I get this song and "True" by Spandau Ballet mixed up. Someone could do an awful mash-up of them.