
I don't know if he'd ever have anything to promote here since he is not as popular as Steve but he'd be great for this article.

It was in at least one commercial, too.

I think it was just background music for a less than memorable scene.

It was in American Psycho.

I'll go with Munich, but your pick is pretty solid too.

Thank you but I gladly defer to "The killer is coming from inside the horse".

Yeah but if they got in a fight, Hannibal's next course might come with a cowboy hat.

I think it started around 2001-2002 when he did Secretary and Solaris, also a TV movie playing Charles Manson.

I just wouldn't give him any homework for awhile.

Are Bryan and Marty related?

So bland generalization it is.

Hmm I read she was a Dominatrix in the book, but that could have been a bland generalization.

Wow, I only it because it was used in The Thin Red Line. The version tonight sounded a little muzak compared to the version in that film.

And it's too bad because that horse got a girl in college.

I think he's always kept that look. In 20 years or so he'll be the next Sam Elliott.

Yet another road trip. Faure's "Requiem" was a nice touch.

heh heh. ASS.

People like the Jarretts don't seem to get this. They think they can re-invent the wheel because the new ways of communication now don't translate with what's always worked. Truthfully if a John Cena/Barry Horowitz match was on TV now I couldn't change the channel fast enough, so fair enough.

I got Bobby's autograph too, back when he was working for WCW. He seemed very cranky and looking back I can understand why (he hated his time there, and this was not too long before he quit/was let go).

Who was also his wife (and was a valet in WCW, which is how they met).