
Mike came across a 100% asshole in interviews, and a bit crazy too. Apparently affected by his father's death, all the more apparent by his own suicide.

I can relate, I'm into a lot of bands from the 60's and 70's my parents probably never heard of.

Ted gave Bobby Heenan credit for both those names.

Probably, though I think the more direct slam on Dusty was naming Ted Dibiase's bodyguard/man-servant Virgil.

That's awesome. My dad and his brother would go to shows back in the 70's and cheer the heels and boo the faces, a tradition my brother has picked up from time to time depending how much he'd had to drink.

He also could be looking for a job as an announcer. He was a color guy on Raw for a few months and basically blew Jerry and Michael away.

Not being very good sometimes bears no cross in terms of getting a push. Miz for example is terrible, but headlined WrestleMania one year.

I'm quite envious of you for those extra 8-10 years you have on my fandom. I got into it in 1992, when everything was going to Hell in a handbasket, not to mention the territories had all but dried up by that point.

He's working at NXT now training guys.

I'm not clear on the history of this, but I think their problems began in TNA.

Interesting you bring up the advertising, because I've been under the impression that they have been trying to regain some major advertisers they lost during the Attitude Era because they didn't want to be associated. Your comment kind of speaks to how desperate they seem to get them back, now that they've cleaned up

It would appear that he's actually gearing towards an MMA career now. His supposed current handle on Twitter is PhilBrooksMMA.

To Dustin's credit, he made the Goldust character work for what it set out to do in the tradition of "Gorgeous" George and others. It's interesting how homophobia has been fading out because of the shifting national opinion towards the GLBQT crowd. It might stay off of television but doubtful if it is eliminated

WWE is also looking outside the indies into college sports and have even been in touch with people in the NFL about joining (they recently signed Shawne Merriman).

I hope CM Punk laughs himself silly when Jeff eventually calls him up.

They're trying to be as "modern" and "hip" as WWE, which is a fool's game. The best thing any company can do to counteract WWE is to be as basic and old-school as you get, but make it palatable for a modern audience.

I remember them teasing that aspect of the character in WCW a few times but never going through with it.

Dusty has said that it bothered him because Dustin's talent rose above having to depend on such a gimmick, which I agree with. Dustin's a part of the show now and working like he did 20 years ago when he rolled around with a lot of great talent in WCW. It was kind of a pity to see him do the gay act to enfuriate guys

He wrestled in a lot of territories under his real name, and was mostly training guys before going to New York and trading in on his Iranian heritage to get heat.

No, this was in WWF before he went to WCW. His character did a lot of degrading/bordering on violent things to women sometimes.