
The Iron Sheik was an Olympian before he became a pro wrestler. Granted his work suffered a lot once he started snorting and smoking and drinking everything under the sun. But there was no lack of genuine athletic talent then either.

I genuinely hated him around this time because part of his gimmick was slapping women around.

Also has major daddy issues, too. Much of which (I gather anyway) comes from Jerry's honest assessment of his son's talent.

And to a lesser extent Brutus Beefcake.

Goldust came in at a weird time for WWF. They were in the middle of a very inoffensive period where they were trying in vain to be a family product, but in walks this character with a lot of ambiguity implied (although he had a valet he was seen kissing after every match).

One just recently came out, Darren Young. WWE is doing absolutely nothing with him and probably never will, but he'll likely keep his job just so the company can save face.

Jeff Jarrett
GF Wrestling
Jeff wrestling

Favorite Zimmer score? Mine has to be Thin Red Line.


I could actually see it as a Brian-Stewie story.

Unless it's for an extended period of time, I always have shorts on outside if it's above 45 F.

It is.

I liked it, but I liked the Scorsese one better.

1. Rushmore
2. Tenenbaums
3. Darjeeling
4. Moonrise Kingdom
5. Life Aquatic
6. Fox
7. Bottle Rocket

The Grand Budapest Hotel. Caught this at my local arthouse theater Thursday and loved it. It's such a flurry of humor, dialogue and even tension that it felt like a flash.

I struggled to get it until just now.

If Family Guy had done this premise, you would hear the word "gay" so many times it would have lost all it's meaning.

Plus it would be a little too Monty Python if he survived what happened to him last season and to survive this too.

Will is cut up a little bit at the end of Manhunter too, but looks more or less like he survived a knife fight.