
Just to throw a positive comment in here, I think his performance in Se7en probably ranks as one of the best screen villains in the history of the medium.

Much like I would dispute that "Topgear" is the actual title of the show.


I got nearly 500 points with "BUTCHERY"


Fortunately there are many Alps in Sweden.

Non-sequitor but Edgar Wright called Pegg's hair on the Hot Fuzz commentary track "male pattern suspense" and this reminded me of that line.

Yeah but the things needing watered down are kind of important to the plot.

Good episode, a bit more spring in it's step than the last few.

Yeah, if you take aside the sillier aspects there is definitely that urban Midwestern feel to it all that registers as genuine. It was in a different setting, but Dazed And Confused did a much better job of that.

Alrighty then, I'll check them out again when I get a chance to.

"Fox On The Run" is a cool little number. Didn't know they did that one.

Wayne's World was hysterical when I was 8-9 years old. So was the sequel at the time. Not sure if I'd be too bothered to watch them now, even if for nostalgia's sake. Then again the same could be said for a lot of SNL movies.

Agreed wholeheartedly with your 2nd point, not so much with your 1st. The whole sad chain of events doesn't need Hollywood to prop it up in our collective consciousnesses, when we have those great documentaries (and to a lesser extent, people like Echols on Twitter).

One of Rust's monologues that lasts maybe 30 seconds, as a text bubble would take 3 minutes to read.

It was a joke, it works fine.

So this means her name changes on last.fm, and I have to re-name all my thousands of files (one-by-one no less, my iPod is a piece of crap).

How are the ratings for this doing?

The kitschy factor did no favors for them in the U.S., and I imagine that just got worse in the 80's where they were practically forgotten until Freddy died and it was too late for any kind of resurgence as an active band.

King Crimson - The Road To Red: Spent the weekend taking as much of this as I could in. 20 CD's covering their North American 1974 tour (an addtional CD featuring a new stereo mix of the Red album itself, also two Blu-rays and a DVD) as either headliners or opening acts, recorded either as soundboard tapes, a few