
From where the preview was going last week, I was afraid it was his daughter on the videotape,

His bullshitting was off the chain tonight, until he went to his ex. I don't think he even looked her in the eye.

Terry Gilliam and Joel Silver could have made a crazy-ass film regardless the source material. Too bad it's not likely to happen again.

I like this version

Oh I know about him being a fan. One interesting part in the book (entitled One Way Out, and to reiterate it is a very fascinating read) is where they talk about the ABB's hesitance to be labeled "southern rock" because bands afterwards, while some of them were good, sawed away at the softer edges of their influences,

It basically still exists because Fox hasn't entered the late-night game yet.

If nothing else I didn't and continue to not mind that Cameron won that year, for the mere fact that he did direct at least two of the greatest action/sci-fi (neither genre rarely a favorite with the Academy) films ever to that point and that the Best Director nod was a kind of back-handed recognition of that.

The score is pretty great, it and Shawshank are probably Newman's best.

This has been a pretty good year for TV, or at least a good couple of months to start out with. House Of Cards, Justified and of course True Detective. But I honestly feel this might blow them all away.

Don't forget Roger Dean.

That Heat didn't get any noms at all despite being perfectly set for such (was released in December, prime Oscar-bait time) makes me retroactively hate Braveheart (also because it beat Apollo 13, which is another favorite from that year).

It's been a long time since I've seen it, but what I remember feeling was that it was so odd that the Academy awarded such a cynical film.

I think why it rings ridiculous for people is that the adults act like teenagers and vice versa. Maybe on screen it doesn't come off as well, but it's not like that that is impossible behavior now.

I still like Gump, too. It was the first Best Picture I've seen on the big screen, so the profundity of the images at the time (and at such an early impressionable age) are something I still cherish.

That's cool. I haven't listened to the show, so I can't judge that for myself but it sounded like it was one or two moves away from a complete disaster. It was put together at the last minute, and only happened because Ozzy and the Allmans were on the same label at the time.

I liked the "Caller No. 7" discussion once he was busted. Raylan seemed as genuinely impressed as he was at the guy's escape.

There's a great book on The Allman Brothers Band that just came out and it talks about the time Zakk replaced Dickey Betts for one show in 1993. He did all of his antics on stage and basically acted like an ass (because he was so stoked to play with them, he said) and the next day they were looking frantically for

I was going to mention "Every Breath You Take". Even Sting has acknowledged that it's a song about obsession and a kind of shock when people tell him that it was played at their wedding.

Honestly, and I say this knowing how lengthy the discussion (and hate) has been on this thread and others about the song, I just like the sound it makes. I don't like being that reductive about the most popular song by undoubtedly one of the more influential figures in 20th century music, but I sometimes I can't be