
I smell cross-over

Would it be the first time an actor won an Oscar and Emmy in the same year?

Last episode was the crazy-ass thunderstorm you tell your grandkids about. This episode was 20 minutes after where you can still see the lightning from 20-30 miles away.

The one thing I watched before this was a rerun of Bob's Burgers, so I'm hearing this line in Tina's voice crystal clear.

Are we positive on that?

Anyone else find it odd that the same guy who does voice-over for the next-episode-previews also did the same for Dexter?

Yeah, that girl is doing some hardcore porno now.

Anything's better than that, and he's good at action. But he has dramatic chops I don't think he's given much credit for, likely because the opportunities for it weren't much for him until lately. Besides Pain & Gain (I know I'm in the minority of the fans of it, but I don't mind making it a vocal one) he was even

I'm actually looking forward to this. Dwayne's gotten better as an actor lately and this is the kind of thing that can allow him to flex those specific muscles without having to hold an automatic machine gun.

Oh well that's nice of him.

I know, but I can't help but wonder what Mel Gibson (Scorsese's first choice, apparently) would have done with it.

I haven't read the book (not too big on fiction these days for some reason) so I couldn't tell you. I only have the previous film to compare it to, which I liked but pales in comparison a bit to David's film.

I agree about Zodiac, it's my favorite too. His film of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is quickly becoming one of my top favorites of his as well. What I don't like is either knowing the outcome or dodging comments in an article like this because I haven't read or seen the original source.

I'm surprised it's HBO of all networks since it and Netflix seem to be engaged in war over our attention.

As much as I love the recent output, I really wish Fincher would stop doing adaptations. I don't think he's directed an original work since Panic Room.

True, on the other hand it would have been much harder to sell.

That had nothing on a certain punch delivered to a certain meth dealer delivered by a certain brother-in-law who certainly knew what he was up to.

I think I let out an audible gasp at the reveal of the Nazi gang. Jesus, that was a homely group of women.

Funny as hell in The Paper too.

I was going to make a Cleaver joke but that guy necessarily wasn't a zombie.