
I think it was more because someone was doing comedy period.

Going by the logic of the article, the section on fusion from Jazz will be reduced to a 5 second clip of someone holding up a vinyl copy of Bitches Brew.

Agreed. He was great in that Larry David HBO movie from last year.

Not as the same character obviously, and I think it's a smaller role but yes.

So I suppose Heath Ledger's Joker was a pussy too?

He actually is in the new one.

You can hear their influence but I wouldn't go as far as to say they sound like PF. They have their own sound to a degree as much as they wear their influences.

Dee's a funny and intelligent guy. I'm not a fan, but can admire his wit sometimes.

Porcupine Tree has a number called "Hatesong", too.

That's a much better song to do one too. And a pretty great song, period.

The movie is kind of worth it for the third act. It plays out like a Cliff's Notes version of the previous Peckinpah film about Billy The Kid though it's not nearly in the same league.

He's for the moms who used to be girls screaming for him.

You don't like TMS?

You're totally right. And it was said sort of sarcastically, but I didn't figure that into the equation. Now that I remember it, I recall a moment in the Anthology doc where Paul said that a lot of the early hits were pretty much written to their female audience.

Or like Tom Petty said, "bad rock music with a fiddle".

That does suck, but I'm sure there's a soccer mom who left the BJ concert who had to deal with throngs of stoners in a similar manner on her way home.

More like (future) mom rock.

Not to nitpick, but if they really wanted to do that wouldn't they have had to play completely different instruments?

Rock really died when bands decided they'd get more women by intentionally attracting more of them to buying their records and/or blowing them backstage after concerts.

I always liked what Dee Snider said about Bon Jovi, saying that Twisted Sister and bands of that period were hair metal but that BJ (pun completely intended) was "happy metal".