

I'm on level…466. No joking.

My favorite scene in the whole film is the first time we see him on the train with the Morton character. "People scare better when they're dyin'" is his rationale for a massacre meant to intimidate the McBains into handing over their land. There's also a tiny moment where he gets the train going again that is so

I liked Prometheus. I see why it gets a bad rap, but the positives overwhelm the negative for me.

The Mr. Show thing was a little too much. And Jesus H. Christ, Raquel Welch's dress.

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Once Upon A Time In The West. Firstly, damn does it look amazing on Blu-ray. Probably one of the finest films, let alone Westerns, ever made. I could skip around, randomly drop on a scene and still get goosebumps. Iconic on every level. I could go on and on.

Regardless of your stance on country music, Garth's pull with the public is kind of amazing. His most recent TV special was a ratings smash, and was basically just him sitting on a stool with a guitar.

I agree that it should be discussed more. Those bands were bound to have a short shelf-life anyway. 9/11 somehow sped up the process.The joke is that their fanbase all went to Iraq and Afghanistan. Make of that what you will but I'm sure there's more than an ounce of truth there.

Maybe Paramount specifically, after Disney shook them loose of the Marvel and Indiana Jones movies, they don't have much left other than this and Star Trek as far as franchises.

The latter, most likely.

There's the title for the opera.

It happened because of the split between Viacom and CBS (which owns Showtime). They have a deal with Netflix similar to the one they had with Starz, primarily because some of the major cable carriers refuse to add it.

What blew me away was how matter-of-fact she was about it in the vintage footage. Her mother looked pretty fucking weird, with a parrot on her shoulder.

That and his awesome on-screen presence buys George a lifetime pass from me.

I loved it, too. People really didn't see the forest from the trees on that when it came to their negative criticisms towards it. That or they are just plain sick of Michael Bay, which I can understand since I've not really seen that much of his work outside of a couple of the films he did for Bruckheimer.

Dennis Rodman.

All I remember was how omnipresent this was in the news. It felt like there was round the clock coverage right up until OJ.