
It's somewhere on IMDB, I swear. Then again whoever wrote it probably made it up themselves too.

I heard Soderbergh wanted to do one with Clooney, and James Gandolfini as The Thing.

Unrelated but I thought he was really good in Cast Away

I can't wait to get my hands on this. So glad one of Michael's films has found it's way to Criterion. I so hope this isn't just the only one either.

You might be thinking of Keith Moon. The night before Keith died he was at a party with Paul, and told him he loved the drumming on the album.

Yes it is.

Like that was the only time they weren't full of shit.

And ending shows with "Songbird". That song even gets to me sometimes.

No, you got it right. What got me was how the wife was looking at him when he came back, like bringing it up was on the tip of her tongue but she can't because of the situation.

Sorta. Didn't he say he was from Alaska originally?

B+ here too. The woodsman segment was way funnier than the whale from last week.

I laughed at a few of his responses but Rusty's answers and thoughts on life felt natural given his body language. A lesser actor could deliver those same lines and I'd wince or worse, change the channel.

Dug it. For a first episode, it didn't have too much baggage shows either do away with and get better or enhance and die off.

I don't know. Could be possible Warner Brothers had a brief interest in it after Superman was a success.

He sure did. If that show took off, he'd be more in demand now.

I had a TV/VCR combo. Eventually the VCR part started to squeal whenever I was watching something.

Why isn't there a newswire about the WWE Network yet?

I'd really like to think he took the job on The Bridge because he'd much rather be typecast in that kind of role as opposed to other things he's offered. It's a similar job he's doing to a degree but the ways in which it is different are more apart from Stottlemeyer.

I heard William Holden was considered for Gordon in a Batman movie that never got off the ground, years before the Burton one. It would have been campy as hell, but the first time I saw The Dark Knight I thought of Gordon like Holden's character in Network. The one sane man in all this madness.

I think the show and quite a few of her opinions are terrible, but I don't talk about it much because the people who usually agree with me say terrible things about her appearance.