
And he died not that long after it was made, too. I'm not surprised that it was given up on so quickly.

I had a similar revelation recently. I was flipping channels and landed on one of the premiums because nothing else was on (Bruce was right, though today he'd probably say it's 570 channels and nothing on). It was that awful Madonna movie where she's trying to get custody of her son from her gay friend…whatever. Her

Great topic.

I'll have to see it again, but the last time I did (several years ago) I came away from it thinking that the whole Santa sequence was strongly influenced by Clockwork Orange. Is there anyone that can back me up on this or did I just have too much egg nog that night?

Also good as Shane Vendrell's partner for a brief stretch on The Shield.

Also, I really doubt he has PR people.

I feel your pain RE: Facebook, You would think I was the most boring person in the world if you just read my updates. It's either stuff about family or meaningless stuff that I know won't offend anyone that amuses me for a couple minutes. Yesterday I linked an article about how "whatever" is the most annoying word in

Half of my Facebook feed is against this guy, the other half for. Unfortunately nearly everyone in the latter part are members of my family.

You lost me at "Under The Dome writer" followed by someone who's name isn't Stephen King.


If it was Letterman it would be Rob Ford coverage. I don't watch the show religiously, but I can tell he is just hammering that one into the ground.

Perfect winter song.

All I can hope for is that Gregg made a killing off of selling the rights to the book.

I have. It is a pretty good read. It's not as wild as something like Keith Richards' book (turns 70 today. WTF?), but as a fan of his I liked it. Actually got to see Gregg in concert a few months ago. Was probably one of the more enjoyable concert experiences I'd had, sitting about 15 feet from someone who's voice has

Yes merits induction regardless of comedic fodder (which would have no legs if idiots just wrote "No" next to their name on those idiotic worst bands lists). They sold a ton of records and despite not making a dent on the charts in the 90's and beyond, they still have a faithful following on the road.

Am I to assume it's the guy closest to the lens?

Just the classic line-up, if I were to guess.

I say it as a huge Yes fan.

Of those bands, Chicago deserve it the most. And more for the early records than anything else. I like some Foreigner and REO songs, but by and large they are more massive success than influence.

Which is the only time Fox News has ever been useful by making this an issue.