
Which is really just a pathetic attempt at PR during WrestleMania weekend.

It is, but it makes a little sense too. Mike enjoyed much more success in Europe beyond Tubular Bells, while in America he's mainly just known as the guy who did the theme for The Exorcist (when in fact the piece pre-dates the movie by several months).

Nor has The James Gang, The Doobie Brothers, or The Moody Blues. Lots of others I'm sure, but those three kind of boggle my mind.

The WWE Hall of Fame is a much worse one than the R&R HoF. It's basically old-timers who haven't pissed Vince McMahon off.

Who by the way has a rat's chance of getting in.

He's not on the voting committee.

One reason you won't hear me say one fucking thing against them here.

I'm bothered by the fact that more relatively younger bands are getting in almost immediately, yet holdouts like Yes and Deep Purple (and other bands who have members in their golden years) are in danger of losing members while still being shut out.

It's a miracle Yes was even considered at all.

I've said this before, but the thing to admire about Cena is that he seems wholly dedicated to being a pro wrestler in a way that few guys now and maybe even before were. So something like this doesn't surprise me, especially considering he's got one divorce under his belt and is still under 40.

It's sounding more and more much ado about nothing now. What's sort of becoming clear, and I don't know if this is kayfabe or not, but it looks like Punk is becoming a bit disgruntled with his place in the company now.

Apparently she dated Hank Williams, Sr. before he died.

You hear about the trouble AJ Lee got herself into backstage?

I like that he breaks out the old Bobcat voice for animated stuff, like he also did on Family Guy.

"fat fetishist?"

I've seen some pretty good shows that started strong and didn't quite know how to end. This show seems to have the opposite problem, which is quite strange admittedly.

The foreign exchange student at my high school one year was a Brazilian redhead.

I thought this came out already?

*makes the noise of Felix clearing his throat* That's all I got for this.

Well it reached a boiling point by that record, which oddly started out as a Buckingham solo record (despite having left after making it), but everyone else eventually joined in.