
I think the filmmakers tried to get Clint to do the role, but he was probably too busy golfing.

There's a Dubya joke in there somewhere.


Gangster Squad felt a little more like the lobotomized equivalent of The Untouchables. One movie it really reminded me of with it's history-bending was Inglorious Bastards, which at least had enough of QT's stamp on it to make it a more enjoyable cinematic experience.

My original (and admittedly very horrible) thought was that he was going to attack his wife.


Winter is only on the brink of being bearable because FX made the decision to air this great show through most of it.

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (Immersion Edition)

She left him while he was in prison, too. It's been my experience that smart women do that when their men go away.

Somewhere in between.

The Return Of The Son Of The Furnace.

And he's fairly taller than everyone else, too. I was thinking the same damn thing when I saw it.

You sure do know a lot about suffocating peopleā€¦

I think Brody himself was going back and forth on whether to do it or not.

Every time in the last couple of episodes that Saul has gone into an empty hallway filled with stuff, I just keep expecting him to go apeshit and destroy everything in sight.

Did anyone watch Mandy on Charlie Rose last week? Very very fascinating interview, and although he didn't really need to, he sold me on the show on something of a deeper level than I already was sold on.

Solid A. I was on the edge of my seat at the end, which I cannot say at all for any other episode this season.

That has my favorite bit of score, too. Especially when the camera pans up to Karl pacing methodically on the helicopter pad.

"I have two myself" is almost said like a vampire.

That sounds good in theory but in action it could have been a problem, especially if you consider how much running the character had to do.