
Don't forget Miami Metro.

How'd Vampire Bill fare singing-wise?

Maybe Paramount will give another golden parachute to Eddie if the film doesn't take off (like they did for the CBS show).

If NBC somehow drops the ball on this, I'm still hopeful one of the cable networks picks it up. That is if the next season doesn't drop the ball on it's own, but I can't see how.

No. Wack.

Agreed. I've maintained a healthy ignorance of pop music for a long time now.

I don't know, the guy who went as zombie Khadaffi wearing the scorpion jacket from Drive was pretty neat a few years ago.

I can believe that Levon Helm had an affair with a witch when he was a rock star. The ravages of time to him towards the end of his life had to be a curse.

1. Big Big Train - English Electric: Full Power. This band was a pretty huge discovery for me, this year. In it, I found everything that progressive rock was, is and always should be. Intriguing song-writing in a more realistic direction (rather than fantasy, sci-fi and mythic tales), varied instrumentation with very

You're welcome.

She's not been looking too good lately, but wasn't bad here I thought.

Some of it was genuinely interesting to watch in terms of other sexualities and such. Some of it was just plain hot. But some of it was terrible, which is what seems to stick out in everyone else's memories more than the other stuff (that or they won't admit to it).

Unfortunately his name isn't as ripe for parody as Obama's is (apparently).

Didn't they start much earlier, but didn't take off?

In all seriousness despite the endless snark about to come, I owe (or blame) much of my own sexuality to this show.

I remember the bit well because he also referenced the guy's appearance in the Decline Of Western Civilization about heavy metal he was in.

I think the musician in question is the guy from Slayer who passed away recently.

My "too soon" joke is that death should have waited a few years on this, otherwise we'd be spouting "Eight Is Enough" references.