
There were some really good songs on there, but I think what fails it is that Tony & Mike seemed to be on autopilot a bit. I would not be surprised if Tony played the same sampled sound on his synthesizer for most of the album as all his parts seem the same tone-wise.

Mine, too.

I think they're getting more due now, because progressive rock has slowly regained the respect of the critical base. Their induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame may have a lot to do with the fact that they were on Atlantic and were gold and platinum monsters for them, but I'll implore anyone to find Trey

The 2nd half of the "Mama" album is a little subpar compared to the first half, but I love "It's Gonna Get Better". Great closer and live track.

1. Lamb
2. Trick Of The Tail.
3. Selling England.
4. We Can't Dance
5. Foxtrot.
6. Trespass.
7. Duke
8. Wind & Wuthering
9. Abacab.
10. Nursery Cryme.

I've read a couple interviews where PTA talks about his love of the Nolan Batman movies and the first Die Hard. I'd love to see him do a passion project which happens to be an action movie.

I'd say it's pretty even between the two. What it lacks in terms of an action score is a big triumphant theme for McClane (when Karl re-appears, what you're hearing is actually an outtake from Aliens that can be found on recent re-issues of that score). If anything, what comes close to that is the "Ode To Joy" cover

Watched the Moms Mabley HBO doc with my dad and brother Thursday (which was mostly spent with them, just hanging out). For some reason it spurred my brother to fetch the Gilbert Gottfried special Dirty Jokes, which we fortunately watched while we weren't eating.

Check out Extreme Prejudice from the year before this came out. There was a similar character in it, and was black as well.

I'd throw in the Nolan Batman movies, too.

2 still had Joel Silver, before he was booted from Fox and went to WB. The third movie could have been terrible looking at some of the ideas originally bandied about, but I think With A Vengeance is just as good at the first. I can still remember the jolt I got from the line "does the name Gruber mean anything to

Really? I thought that was pretty obvious from the first time I saw it,

The music has some Christmas in it too, mainly percussion motifs that also work to heighten tension. Michael Kamen's work on this, the two sequels that followed, and all of the Lethal Weapon movies stand as some of the best action scoring I've ever heard.

His accent seeped out a bit in Spy Game, too.

I like it a lot, too. If it's ever on one of my premium channels I'll usually stop and watch a bit of it.

I watched the doc Barenaked In America (directing debut of Jason Priestly) some years ago. When I saw them freestyle, I finally understood what it is people hate about jam bands musically speaking. If you replace a Phish jam with words, this is basically what you have.


There were rumblings he was still going to write/direct one, with Viggo Mortensen playing Poe.

He also directed a really good episode of Homicide: Life On The Streets, with Vincent D'Onofrio stuck under a train.

This whole story deserves (and has gotten, by way of the docs) so much more than to be what looks like a rather mundane Reese Witherspoon vehicle.