
Apparently he was one of Sergio Leone's choices for "Harmonica" in Once Upon A Time In The West.

There was one on Hannibal this year that was awesome, and maybe as good as the bottom two (haven't finished Deadwood yet).

Ryan's dead on about The Sopranos, especially the promos.

Him and Douglas (in his damned prime) jousting back and forth is fucking brilliant.

He's great in Wall Street. It, The Hit and The Limey are about as separate roles as one can get and he pulls them all off great.

Yeah, but they didn't last too long anyway. They were pushed out by the grunge clones by a year or two later.

Discussions about whether or not Man Of Steel is good or not.

Bruce Willis was almost cast in the Denzel role, which makes me wonder if The Shield still would have cast Chiklis. Probably not.

Mike Starr in Funny Farm.

It has it's problems but I loved how Del Toro's character basically explains that guns are for pussies.

I've never had a problem with the voice. Yeah it's funny in some respects but not completely awful. It makes sense because you can imagine that generally the people of Gotham know the sound of Bruce's voice. He's a local celebrity who's seen everywhere and has probably done several TV and radio interviews.

I really only remember her from the Aerosmith videos and thinking Clueless was mildly amusing.

Howard was the first SNL house band director, too. He was in a few rock bands before doing this and getting into movies.

Hank's boss talked about socializing with Gus when he was packing up his office. I can't remember if he mentioned Gus' other family, but it seems to me he actually did have one. If only to use as a cover for his more nefarious operations.

I know, that's basically what informed my viewing of it.

The Cronenberg film wasn't directly a New Line film, they just distributed it in the U.S., theatrically and for DVD, etc.

I believe he was part of the 2000 election fiasco, on Gore's side arguing for recounts.

I watched Foley's recent Showtime special. Jesus Christ on a cracker is he depressing to watch now. Some of it was funny don't get me wrong, but you can tell on his face how beaten by life he is.

No way Saul survives the final 8.

Maybe he'd finally get to go that full measure.