
Predator 2 as well.

Spent a lot of it listening to the work of 70's progressive rock band Camel. I'd always had a fondness for The Snow Goose but I branched out to their other 70's album. In my estimation, that is still their best album of the lot but I found a lot else worth liking. Namely their self-titled debut, Mirage, Moondance and R

It's the wrong Anderson, but there are quite a few obvious and less-obvious nods to Badlands in Moonrise Kingdom.

I like that it was more about Will than Lector. Michael brought more of his influence of Westerns than shamelessly aping Hitchcock.

I immediately knew what it was because of The Salton Sea.

I'm not qualified to speak about this with any depth, but it's interesting how instrumental both GM and MCA to some extent helped push Reagan from Hollywood celebrity to politician. And that both of those companies would eventually wind up owning the most liberal of the cable news betworks.

That was funnier than it had any right to be. I do break out the Lemmy/God bit once in awhile.

They did it this past year too I believe. At least Adele sang her tune live.

All the more reason I hope this show eventually becomes more successful on the network. This reason could put something like SVU to shame.

I like both Adrian and NIN, but I can see why it didn't work. It's not exactly lead guitar-friendly music to begin with.

And he played on the song.

She hasn't gotten older, just sexier.

You're obviously not following him on Twitter.

I'm often repulsed, but I never feel sick during the gory stuff (this applies to the more overt horror stuff I've seen too). I cover my eyes, fidget in the seat and have a perturbed look on my face. This is an accurate description I'm sure, of my physical state watching this episode.

He showed ZMF-levels of ownage on Celebrity Jeopardy.


I'm guilty of laughing at it, too. From my perspective it was funny because the guy saw it a mile away and they were oblivious to it.

Besides her producing resume and this song, another crime against music she committed was butchering "Dr. Jimmy" at the "Daltrey Sings Townshend" concert.