
From what movie?

From what movie?

I think it might have been Dallas, but your show might have been filmed for a release.

I think it might have been Dallas, but your show might have been filmed for a release.

I think this looks good. De Niro and TLJ together could read the phone book at each other and I'd get a ticket.

He did say he would retire after that animated movie I can't think the name of.

It is a bit awesome that they're still together despite being a punchline for so long.

I'll put it this way, it was a good time to get into bands from the 60's and 70's. I was part of the intended target audience at the time, but I had absolutely none of it. Classic rock stations and my own personal CD player helped me see the light, and I largely haven't looked back. Wasn't until a bit later I did

I heard it described once as "manufactured angst". That's pretty much how I felt once I started hearing those bands (mostly against my will, as my brother was a fan. Still maintains that Limp Bizkit's 2nd record is good), and how I feel now. It's a stark contrast to how Elvis or The Beatles got big, with teenagers

The problem I have with the movie is his character, mostly. Not that he didn't do a good job with it or anything. But to have a villain in a movie like this seems a bit too over-the-top. If you replaced him with a father-figure to the character, I think it would have come off better.

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus Even Blu-rays are being sold at decent prices now. I vaguely remember when VHS movies cost an insane amount.

That would be a short-ass fence.

True but I still gave it a like.

It's a better explanation of Eddie Van Halen's cancer.

King Kong Bundy was in that one, and oddly enough has become a stand-up himself.

Just getting into the show, and alternating between his interviews with Kevin Nash and Jim Ross. Unorthodox as his interviewing style is, it works.

Maybe an adult spelling bee, with only words on the fringe of the English language. And of course, they'd put the word on screen so it can make the viewer feel superior to the poor soul trying to spell Qintar.

This irony hasn't escaped me. I don't think I would have even watched the pilot were it not for the review. So thank you AV Club. This is probably the only show I've had any interest in solely because of you.

Sound mixing, too.