

Are there any fans of Steve Austin's podcast here?

Maybe, but it doesn't explain the seemingly cozy relationship he has with Hannibal (drinking wine by the fire).

For awhile I thought the doctor knew what Hannibal was up to. Withholding Will's real results seemed quite cruel, but then again he didn't know the depth of what was going on either.

Edit: nevermind.

Or pushing on the b b pellet in Chas' knuckles.

I'm not sure I want to know what keeps James Newton Howard working with Shymalan.

Primarily a Red Wings fan, but the Rangers winning the cup that year got me interested in the sport.

He would have been 14 at the time. That would been quite the strong commitment to his chapter of the Young Republicans.

The Nick Mason Story?

Maybe, if you knew the band name's proper spelling.

I believe they are showing the original on IFC.

I remember her mostly for being stuck in a cabin with Jon Lovitz.

It's cool with the proviso that you're cool with what she does, and don't get jealous of her clients. There was an MTV True Life about a woman who worked as a Domme and was having difficulty finding men to date who weren't bothered or overly interested in what she does.

It was a project Jonathan Heinsleigh wrote for Fox, with originally the intention of just making it a separate film. He eventually adapted it into Die Hard 3 once McTiernan and Bruce read the script.

It's the weakest of the first three, but still better than the last two by a long shot.

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus Not only that, but he had to miss attending the Oscars the year he won for his role in the Woody Allen film. Him answering why he couldn't attend on Inside The Actor's Studio is easily one of the highlights of that show.

I remember Ross more from the episode of Six Feet Under he did as the disgruntled employee. Him and the serial killer (can't remember the actor's name, except that he was Russell Crowe's partner in L.A. Confidential too) were the creepiest stiffs on the show.