
John Turturro:male gigolo

also-wth is with Leonard needing to date Penny?
The dude can do better.

" two stunningly handsome but dumb brothers, a model and a personal trainer, who find their lives rocked by their new roommate, a female literature PhD. who is merely very attractive”—i.e. she’s gorgeous by most reasonable standards, but likely wears glasses, and maybe sometimes a cardigan."-or as most of america

brian loncar ftw

man, its that big time pressure probably. some people can handle it because of who they surround themselves with, others can't.

anyone else notice it's a Shadow ripoff like blackula? on the other hand, good to see something like this anywhere.

If Steve whitemire continues to play Kermit as a nerdy pushover instead of the neurotic sensitive authority that kermit originally was-thanks to jim-then sure, he's dead to me.
Dave just probably wants to work. gotta respect that. 
SERIOUSLY fozzie w/ fart shoes? C'MON THAT IS TOO LOW BROW.

just found this out-apparently near the end-henson divorced his wife, bought all of her shares and was dating darryl hannah when he caught pneumonia from a mattel exec on an airplane. so he's a force but also kinda of a dick.

SOMEONE CALL Disney Corporate and give them a fruit basket. it's like the Smurfs at this point. make it for the kiddies and no matter how bad it does, it will succeed. Why couldn't freaking FRANK OZ-t he only living member of the crew- write and direct the sequel?!

John Karsinki always reminded me of The Fonz which got me annoyed when he tried to be anything different. which reminds me how good of an actor Henry Wrinkler and lucky he was!

However, I would have loved to see Bob Odenkirk's Michael Scott make it into the final production.  Just for the yelling.  Oh, the yelling!
—-yeessss. downside is carell had the heart bl bla blah boring american television

more postal service coverage thx. (yea, they broke up and nothing to talk about but maybe a video interview with the members?) im dying here. i need someone to show them the respect they deserve.

The Postal Service broke up yesterday. Where's the freaking coverage?!

I honestly thought this was a quirky comedy after the intro.
I always imagined she was too smart for these kinds of movies, but hey-how often does Kristen Bell get to do drama. exactly. Hope she gets some good marks for it. She does a seemingly good job.

Does anyone notice that amidst the hubbub, theres two white guys singing like black guys and that when black guys try to sing the same song, they're ignored?
ok cool.

I liked ASC, but that's me?

W.o Zack Snyder- MAN OF STEEL would have more than rebuilt the franchise.

I'm just gonna sigh teenage dream like while looking at the above RK link and Picture. Anyone interested in joining?

After the first few lines, I knew they had no idea who Jack Kerouac was.
he's way too confident.