
You know, if you imagine Gervais was doing that while Kevin Clash had a hand inside the Elmo puppet, it almost makes it all right.

@avclub-f001b27c9bf6561b8ab916d3ce511dab:disqus  it's not nice to call Amy Adams "it."

There is nothing human about that yellow thing. Well, except the obvious human part, I guess.

False. Britta Britta'd herself long before Troy got there. And yes, that works in both senses.

It seems like by "we" you mean "yourself," and by "spin-off" you mean… something different.

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus My classroom curriculum includes The Most Dangerous Game, and I don't recall a wrist slingshot. Not sure what story @avclub-1e2184e9a38acddfb65b66905ad70f9a:disqus  might be talking about…

My girlfriend hates it when I pre-first.

Look, if they're gonna do something like that, just let Karen Gillan come back as the Doctor. They can keep Jenna Coleman as companion.

The Doctor Donna did.

Are you a Jonathan Maberry fan?

Maurice Moss could finally get that robot hand he's always vowed to do good with.

Wanting to be book is not book.

Are you people going to need a walk-off to resolve all this fashion nonsense?

This is nothing personal, just me venting an incredibly personal rage, but if the next Doctor wears a bowler, I might just lose my shit and quit watching that show. That is all.

That sounds like some kind of crazy… Damn it, I had something for this. But now I can't type "roboception" without it just sounding like robots boning. Which I guess is also the sound "clang" over and over again…

Opposite of post/avatar synergy, right there. I may hate the fictional character your avatar is based on, but I had to give the Like to that quotation.

Johnny Carson, Weird Al, Sam Raimi, Michael Crichton, and Ryan Reynolds.

How do you know, what with all the stardate conversions?

If that's not a euphemism, I'm going to be disappointed.
