
I feel like @Dikachu:disqus is missing some part of the conversation about yellow guys talking in weird voices. What? You're saying you never thought about the fact that he *has* to have a weird voice?

Cartoons, robots… Why can't they make educational movies for *all* the things you're not supposed to have sex with?

@avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus Thank you for reminding me that Chop Kick Panda really exists…

At least they weren't "mournful tits." That was one of the most frankly disturbing side-conversations I've ever heard from Venture Bros.

No love for Jefferson Twilight? He kills blackulas, for goodness' sake. Not African-American vampires, but blackulas. The fact that he can out-straight-man Doctor Orpheus is also a triumph.

Pretty sure with the crowd running around on the OSI helicarrier, somebody has long since developed carnal attachments for… The Nozzle.

If they did ever meet, that probably explains why we only ever "met" the bizarro team.

Simple, but the implications are… dark.

That just makes me wonder if Shatner was actually trying to read all those Trek scripts in iambic pentameter… It would explain so much.

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus Well, I guess that depends. Pixar movies need some kind of child-shattering tragedy, so maybe that womp rat dies to some Sarah McLachlan. Or maybe it's just a clever retcon and Luke only thinks that he killed that womp rat in his T-16. I dunno. I don't get paid to write

… Phrasing?

Or that damned Aladdin sequel…

It's all Disney now: Ratatooine. Original character stows away aboard a spaceship, goes to visit his space-cousin, a womp rat. Hijinks ensue.

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus The brand you're looking for is "Hydrax."

I know there's a diminishing timetable for reboots, but if you keep talking about remaking a movie before it even exists, I think you're just encouraging the bastards.

You know that Planet's the kind of guy who would just pull a Kirk, and even when he becomes, what, an admiral, he'd still shirk all that just gallivant around, screwing up everything for everybody else.

@Patrick_Batman:disqus What's not to understand? It's tea, but for people with lots of time and, obviously, sun. So… I think we know what kind of people I'm talking about, here.

Same as the Val Kilmer comment above… MacGyver's great, but it would take some work to get him Cap. Planet-ready.

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus Too soon…