slope bear

@avclub-18f18df4a6146deb1b97c2c944b9660c:disqus Fair enough. As my penance, I'll go back and figure out how I could have worked one in to each of my previous comments.

If the gum went in the sister's hair after the murder, that makes it not so bad.

Come on, everybody can. You just have to get in the right mood and then…


Seconding the rec for Player of Games as an entry point. Use of Weapons
features a bit more in the way of literary structural flourishes, which
work well (unlike in some of Banks' other work, IMO), but some may find

Agreed, both that it looks good as it is in the photo, and that the way to go as it thins and recedes more is just to get yourself an electric trimmer and start going as short as possible.

You and @avclub-72c26dade152f790ddc1cb0559c2ba96:disqus appear to have similar "interests."

I hold on to the guilt about any mildly bad act like this ridiculously hard. It was especially bad when I was a kid - I couldn't make myself NOT think about it. As I've gotten older, I find it much easier to just let it go, but it's still a problem.

*waits to see if anyone posts the same story to this thread and @avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus 's thread immediately above*

Falling in love with someone else while still dating my first girlfriend. To make matters worse, when I told her, she was obviously upset, but didn't want to stop seeing each other. I'm an exclusive-dating kind of guy, but I thought that somehow it would hurt her less to keep going, even though I knew it wouldn't work


@avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus It warms my heart to see someone else who has to rely on the grace of god for their cats' health. Our boys are also "under-socialized" and hold no truck with this carrier business.

There's a block in my town with three restaurants that share bathrooms in a hall out the back. I've always wanted to have the wacky sit-com setup where someone is on three dates at once and constantly running to the bathroom to move on to the next one.

I think you can get good value from Spanish wines, and they're not the go-to choice for many people, so they stand out a bit. Marques de Caceres Rioja is quite good, and is usually around $13-17/bottle, which isn't too bad.

When it comes to local places, I generally agree that down-home style Mexican is best, but I have to put a plug in for Frontera in Chicago. Rick Bayless' TV show may be painfully dorky/awkward, but Frontera is the source of probably nine of the top ten meals I've ever had in my life.

Super-late to this party (just started watching Orphan Black), but I had to second the love for the Lost Room. Hell yes, was that show inventive… And fairly self-assured in its unusual mythology.

I agree that this moment is the crystallization of doubts that are already present, rather than a "sudden realization". The failure to address any of the practicalities of marriage which Luke (bitchily, but correctly) points out in an earlier episode is evidence of this. Even when it's pointed out to her, she still

I think this is another casualty of the "big moments happen off-screen" tendencies of this show. Maybe she did tell him and they just chose not to show it, or maybe she didn't. The latter is close to unforgivably awful in a character that we're supposed to sympathize with, but as you note, wouldn't be completely out

Agreed on the discomfort with the college scenes. As you note, I think the intent was to show how Rory fits in in this world, but the way they actually play is showing that Rory and Lorelai have no real clue how college works, either on an intellectual or social level. Their vision of college was picked up from TV and