Eric Freeman of Silent Night D

I'm pretty sure Regis has a claim to that position. Or maybe he's just Mr. New York

I liked Darjeeling Limited fairly well, but it falls into the awful category of "white people having spiritual awakenings in India garbage" movies, like Sunset Marigold Hotel or whatever the fuck its called

I saw Ka (or whatever the one at the MGM Grand is called) and I thought it was awesome. obviously the storyline was ridiculous but the costumes and stunts were unbelievable

I just finished twin peaks (started late this summer) and it holds up pretty well. sometimes it feels like an early 90s timecapsule, which isn't such a bad thing, but I'd be careful to call it a comedy. There are plenty of lighthearted characters and subplots, but they barely even out the thriller stuff, most of which

well, on the hate it or love it remix he says "growing up confused, my momma kissing a girl" so I assumed that it was widely known that 50's mother was bisexual or a lesbian…he doesn't talk about it much else anywhere else though which is strange

Master of Disguise was my favorite movie for about a year and half when I was five. I watched it maybe five times in a row once and I will not apologize for this.

you are the biggest fucking herb on the face of the earth if you're not trolling right now

he's also the biggest style icon of the 21st century (not even close), and the first person to integrate high fashion and rap (for better or worse… btw A$AP rocky wouldn't exist without yeezy), a fucking god to hypebeasts (again, for better or worse). Kanye also steered rap away from drug dealing/gangsta rap cliches

write my next english paper?

write my next english paper?

Atlas Shrugged III: Gathering of the Shruggalos

Atlas Shrugged III: Gathering of the Shruggalos

is she fingering herself in that picture? and in church?

is she fingering herself in that picture? and in church?

crank 2 bitches

crank 2 bitches

ladies and gentlemen, the triumphant return of RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan!

ladies and gentlemen, the triumphant return of RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan!

I would watch this, and love the idea of having an actually two-sided debate between Jon Stewart and somebody else, but I can't seriously consider watching anything that gives O'Reilly a platform and any implicit respect that comes with it. The guy is such an insufferable hate-mongering douchebag, just watch the

I would watch this, and love the idea of having an actually two-sided debate between Jon Stewart and somebody else, but I can't seriously consider watching anything that gives O'Reilly a platform and any implicit respect that comes with it. The guy is such an insufferable hate-mongering douchebag, just watch the