
What were they doing to the husband in the surgery scene? I had to skip that bit because I can't handle watching body mutilation.

This is my favorite show and it is not acting like how a favorite show should act >:(

They can't change anything dramatically because that would affect 3 other shows and not everyone watches all of them and keeps up.

Couldn't the wrench break if he turned it too fast? Although I doubt the director/editor were really concerned about that detail

I cannot see how you could label daredevil as "comic booky"

like he just said when he talked to iris that he accepted his mom's death and then made a decision that completely contradicted that…his dad's death would have made him sad about his mom again but I just can't believe he would be so upset to change his and everyone else's timeline without knowing how it's gonna turn

ya I definitely misheard that bit- how did they go about even bringing up Grandma Garrick in that earlier episode?

I'm gonna just gonna try to not think about this because I'm just gonna confuse myself more- someone just needs to draw a multiverse family tree for me because I obviously was not paying attention enough

well that makes more sense

Okay so Barry's mom's maiden name was Garrick and she married an Allen who she had no biological relation to obviously, yet the real Jay Garrick from Earth 3 looks just like Henry Allen…??? I mean even in the multiverse biology is suppose to stay kind of consistent right?

those time dementor whatevers were such a cop-out I actually rolled my eyes

Cisco is gonna vibe next season and call barry out on his bullshit

ugh I groaned when I saw him go back to his house, that whole last half of the show could have been so much better (intro to wally and/or jesse abilities, barry actually embracing that relationship he wanted since episode 1, NOT GOING BACK IN TIME TO SAVE HIS MOM???)

the fact that brian and miller talked about their future together 1000000% means one of them is gonna die RIP

The more I hear Rothenberg talk the less I like him. There's probably some truth to Whittle's claims considering Lincoln's storyline this season was the most underwhelming to me.

Pike was trying to hard to control Arkadia but he never realized it was about to just become overrun with AI zombies- I'd almost want to feel bad for him.

When the City of Light plot first started I really didn't care for it at all, but damn, now it's the plot line I'm looking forward to every episode. I can't wait for Alie and Clarke to face off.