
Just stop and think a moment. Whatever the computer program was, it wasn't Joe. It could be a copy of Joe. It could even be a conscious being, if you like. But it wasn't Joe. Joe was locked in a cell. Torturing bits of code does nothing to Joe, the person who committed the crimes. Torturing a computer is just

This was very good, but the ending didn't work at all. They weren't torturing Joe. They were torturing a computer program representation of Joe. How is torturing a silicon chip hurting Joe? That bit was very stupid and took me right outfof the story. Fortunately the credits rolled quickly thereafter.

I don't believe for a second that the future of Doctor Who was held hostage by the whims of an actor. She was never leaving, and the playing up of that rumour was simply the show trying to prime us all to buy into the aged Clara twist.

Really puts you in the mood for a night of comedy, eh?

You could actually just show someone the original trilogy and it would make sense. You know, like it did for twenty years before anything else was ever produced.

I'll have to wait until I rewatch to get into specifics. But I remember after the series was over I rewatched S3, and that was a big takeaway for me from that episode. I do not remember any specific moment I could point to and say, "That's why!" I don't think there was one. But one complaint I heard after the end

I always believed that Juliet was meant to come to the Island, and that the entire purpose of the baby problem was to force her recruitment by the others. The pregnancy problem wasn't punishment or symbolic; it was a tool to get Juliet, who had to come for many reasons, but chiefly to create the incident.

So I knew it was coming, but I got tired last night and stopped just as Ana's episode began, not even realizing this was it for her. As I said, I knew it was coming for her and Libby, and I remembered specifically how it happened, but is still a bit of a shock to me to come here now and realize that it is happening

So, I'm closing in on y'all. Just a couple more eps and I'll have caught up, and that seems a good reason for a Jack's tattoos alert.

Did he mention all the children he's tortured and eaten over the years? But in a funny way.

For me, it's Jack that I began to hate. He's such a dick, telling people what to do and often being wrong. Kate was captured as any of them would have been had they been alone and The Others wished to capture them. And this time around I thought, "Good thing she was there, otherwise asshole Jack may have begun

"Because it just occurred to us that Mr. Cosby is black." - LAPD Chief Charlie Beck

I think you will find this true. I once rewatched S3 and no longer felt the beginning was a problem. You can stilll see there was stalling going on, but it was artful stalling that produces no side product frustration from the long b break after the first set of episodes. Now it is a solid start to what ends up being

I'm really enjoying this set of reviews.

Who cares? They are both great shows, with The Leftovers so far showing the potential to be as great, or better than, Lost.

I couldn't give specifics because I dumped out of Heroes a few episodes into S2 and basically never thought about it again, and I never watched that S1 finale a second time even. But I also remember finding it to be a terrible disappointment. That was the beginning of the end for me. All I can remember for certain is

In the recent Vox interview, Lindelof explains that leading into three was when they had their biggest struggle with ABC forcing them to stretch and not solve anything, which I had heard before. But he also says that he and Cuse then told the network that three would be their final season on the show, and that the

Thank you for the Malcolm Kelly video. What a blast to see that.

You should never look directly at it.

You want to leave my sex life out of it?