
Not usually one to knock on grades, but a B- is muy generous. If this were not Whedon and Marvel, then I would be out after last night's completely generic and boring episode. I played spades on my phone for most of it. 30 seconds of Sam Jackson doesn't do anything but highlight how absolutely awful the rest of the

Just traveling back to the past from the present to say that… wait, what was I talking about?

I pay for BBC America, so I don't feel bad at all that I never actually watch their shows on their network. This kind of nonsense is why the gods invented other means.

One more time for the slow minded. I wasn't defending any choices.  I was ripping the stupid criticism that the choices were bad because they were made up as they went along. Every story ever written was made up as the author went along. Whether it's good or bad for you is personal, but it's not good or bad based on

You can hate what you want. Like I said, dislike the choices they made. The only thing that is bullshit is the criticism that it was bad because they "made it up as they went along." Taste is personal, and we can all dislike the choices. But the choices were not bad because they were not all decided upon before the

Got 20 minutes into the Blacklist before I bailed. Total waste of Spader, who is hitting every obvious note. Otherwise, it's so rote as to be non existent. Hannibal is the exception to the rule of the last three or four years.

The flying car is a Shield staple. It's been around since forever and is still used today. I thought the effect was pretty good actually, but maybe that is because I started imagining it the moment Lola appeared, and I was dreading it being done poorly.

A better introduction to SHIELD would be to read SECRET WARRIORS, the limited run series that focused on Nick Fury and the teams of powered youngsters he assembles to fight a global conspiracy. It covers everything SHIELD, from early days to current, and is a ripping good spy yarn to boot. It's available in

I think this entire argument might be the worst thing the internet has ever produced (save for allowing The Onion to turn hilarious headlines into deadly dull articles).  All fiction is made up as it goes along.  Everything from War and Peace to Lost to BSG to Freddy Got Fingered was made up as the authors went along.

Quite honestly, my joke here hinged on the fact that I saw the picture at the top and mistook Tate Donovan for Dylan McDermott. So the joke here didn't work because I referenced actual McDermott roles like American Horror Story without realizing that I was referencing actual McDermott roles.

Back in the day, that was the case. But that was the 80's. I have no idea if that still holds true today in the wake of the changed television landscape.

Wait, wasn't he the guy in My Best Friend's Wedding?

Was Dylan McDermott the guy who played Dish in Lonesome Dove, or the guy who was jerkin' it in American Horror Story?

Having just reached this point (after having just started the show three days ago), I am really surprised at the well known Skylar hate (which is almost all I'm spoiled about even after having taken five years to start watching). I understand that her character is the one that really puts the crimp in Hank's

Two bad Gonzo had not yet seen 127 Hours.

While Barney Miller was right to ditch Barney's home life, there was never a moment when Hal Linden wasn't the glue holding that show together. Unlike Randy Travis, he was not a hole in the center, but rather the fulcrum on which the entire show hinged.  Take away Randy, the show doesn't change a bit. Take away

The only thing that could have made it hotter is if the DEA brother-in-law had been there to jerk it while watching.

Yeah, that's a fantastic number.  Now I have go see if his Pal Joey performance in on YouTube or something.

It's a shame someone like Fosse didn't get to direct A Chorus Line. The total travesty that Richard Attenborough put on film is an embarrassment.  Hey, let's show people dancing from the waist up or the calves down only.

No doubt.  I didn't mean to imply I didn't like the singing and dancing.  Actually, I meant the opposite. I love musicals, and I love this musical maybe more than any. The singing and dancing is phenomenal, and it makes the movie even greater. I've always thought this was the epitome of Fosse, in that he could use