
Blair Witch
Perhaps my imagination is more suggestable (if that's a word) than some, but I thought the original Blair Witch project was brilliant, and scary as hell. Methinks some folks are too freaking cool for their own good. Or perhaps they have no imaginations.

Call the Cods…
I can't believe they forgot Wet Dream, by Kip Addotta.

Another Hollywood fairytale with no basis in fact
Sex in the City, at its core, is a lie. Women, at least here in America, generally have no friends.

If you are "talking out of your ass, here" it's entirely possible that YOU ARE a psychologist. Although you aren't being paid exorbitant amounts to do so, so perhaps you aren't.

Watching Donnie Darko…
…is like listening to a half-wit 15 year-old drone on for 2 hours like she knows something, but doesn't.

a BETTER name for this show…Pantyliner Rainforest
Yet another television show promoting the fiction that WOMEN HAVE FRIENDS. (They don't)

These comments
Geez, this is boring. Enough to make me go back to work.

Amelie Gillette
Sorry, but Amelie is not funny. I suspect Jerry Lewis is right about women being funny in general.