
agreed on your first point….but, c'mon, you FASHION BUG. wsj was something of a western world crystal ball before the dow jones family members consented to its desecration.

i watched this back in 2009 during a plunder through the apocalyptic movies of the 70s. i thought it to be wonderful and engaging. and, yes, i like my fists made of ham, a little on the heavy side - thank you very much.

oh gawd! i so wanna see that. i do like that book.

i strongly disagree with @avclub-3a964157d2661371723992a5bbe09992:disqus . my experience was powerful and unlike lying in the tub with the lights off and cotton stuck in my ears. john c lilly came up with the use of epsom salts in a tank full of water to further his research in neurology. before he began his long

moon's day

yes. mostly because i remember it fondly when i spent 9 months there; july 2003 to march 2004. in fact, i want one right now.

like @avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus , i chuckled at WAA. i cringed so much at the shower hijacking, because i do that regularly. this show is rewarding and difficult at the same time.

ffffuuuudge, this episode throws me for such a loop, especially levi's parting monologue about why he uses drugs. because that's why I do. his animated recollection of the kern river camping trip after amy's earlier inner narrative version shows that he cherished those times as well, even if it is in the middle of a

i read the expression on his face as, "what?!? no penn station?" however, i believe my assumed thoughts of his to be valid, because they do make a mean grilled sub.

yea, verily, do go into that good cloud, able sir. fare thee well, as you have been delivered unto the lord in the air. us left here have but the tribulation of a more commodified limbo.

freya's day

agreeing with @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus  - unwritten lyrics from the sir mix-a-heavy-metal-parking lot mashup hater track

jeez, i'm gonna miss this.

(l to r) scarecrow, dorothy, tin man, cowardly lion.

boy howdy! do I love this movie. watched it for the first time 2 or 3 years ago. liked it so much that I got the book via inter-library loan. book was darker and filled with more fantastic creatures, as mentioned in the comments and review. and the copy I got to read had the hound of the hedges on its cover. really

way to go, heller. really like your approach to the items you write here. glad you're receiving recognition and plaudits.

the docks of new york was great. bancroft kicked ass. crazy to think that the bulk of that film is all set pieces. get me a ship-sized furnace, please! oh, and get to building an old brooklyn docks waterfront shanty too - on the double. 

moon's day - wotan's day

"…But old now, there is no true beauty without decay."

hey, scorsese production company! why not boxcar bertha [yes, you and your gang already did that one as a corman cheapie] or dr. ben l reitman as the central anchor of a dramatic history serial . do a dramatic history serial about jim tully. rekindle the interest in America's crazed gambling habits by adapting