
you drank that last Elsinore, didn't you?

only have vague recollections of this movie, but those recollections are powerful. mainly the eyes of von sydow, as mentioned by tobias, is what i remember from some 1AM BBC2 broadcast in the mid-nineties. gonna re-watch it this year for sure.

i love those kinds of advertisements. they're so brazen in their attempts to subvert human action in the natural world. convenience is no longer a suggestion; it's a mandate.

oh the minutae of mobile telephony principles are in play. please see the new verizon commercials where the kid explains to the parent (the scene is set in a redwood forest: seeing the forest for the trees) that their home wi-fi is equally as fast as the 700MHz radio band connection of the verizon handset to its relay

great stuff! wanted to hear more anecdotes about the ninth configuration, especially about how he managed to get that saint christopher's medal back in the car before cutshaw could find it.

moon's day

matthew modine and melanie griffith experience squatter's rights the hard way!

i am a nobody that burns CDs, because that's where i got stuck in media plasticity. yeah, i have 8GB creative zen microphoto that plays music in the house, but i listen to stuff in the car via burned CDs.

uh, i just made the mistake of reading the wiki entry about that. it broke my many-times-broken rule about reading horrible stuff about children, since i have one who isn't yet 2 years old. christ, i'm a masochist.

i reckon these chips should be crushed up and used as batter fodder instead of consumed on their own. i have a bag. think i'll fry something. fry it good. like maybe some chicken.

who? Flunky Footman LacQuey. guy's been in the industry for years. everyone knows his name. he just signs it different sometimes.

"…where everything’s played correctly by a bunch of people in clean underwear for the undead to suck upon."

if i may add to your astute observation…the underlying sentiment of the ads you target is: "it's okay to be a dick and think you're better than everyone else. this device helps. you're welcome."

and that's precisely the point: powerful tools to create something of no lasting value.

rabin's jus representin' his true roots. he knows that canfield's diet chocolate fudge soda is truly off-brand and wants to raise its profile by defaming a truly original (and terrible carbonated cough syrup) american brand of the early 20th century. which is sooo old hat that it's safe to say that this once glorious

wotan's day

and that's the secret. you found it!

oh there's quite the finicky fracas here in the pacific northwest. a strong contingent posits the kettle chips brand to be better for flavor variety and taste. i remain resolutely in the tim's camp. i won't tease you about the flavors that have come and gone, but i tried a goodly number of them.

lays must be running full court press with this junk. my wife's office just had a small gathering and these chips appeared in all their flavors. we had a chicken and waffles bag gifted to us. mostly, i enjoy tim's cascade chips (jalapeno, plain, cheddar and sour cream). however, my favorite chip of the moment (and

it is a fun read. lisette is quite the raconteur/provocateur.